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String Max Size on Stored Procedure Calling SQL Server

Hello, I'm working on a Stored Procedure called from Labview but I have a problem when I set a String Parameter greater than 11440 characters. 


I tried by executing this SP from SQL Server Query Window and it runs ok even when I input a bigger string. but when I do it from Labview I get the following Error:




I attach the VI that call's Stored Procedure.


Hope you can help me. 

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Message 1 of 3
That error is coming from ADO and not LabVIEW. The SQL Server query does not use ADO I believe. You may have better luck checking with Microsoft to see what limitations there are with ADO.
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Message 2 of 3

Hello lenin_7,


As Dennis says, this error comes from the ODBC driver and not from LabVIEW, I found some Microsoft links that might help you with this issue:


Hope this information works for you!

Luis CT
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Message 3 of 3