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SubVI filter not executable. Undefined error.

Good morning,


During the development of a bigger labview project, I came to need filtering of my waveforms at some point. I am getting a broken arrow signaling the filter assistant :

"SubVI 'Filter' : SuvVI is not executable"


I thought it could have something to see with the whole program and thus created a simple VI of acquisition from a myDAQ aparatus and had the same error.


Do you have any idea how I could at least identify the error?


Thanks in advance,



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 13

@David Pastorino wrote:

Good morning,


During the development of a bigger labview project, I came to need filtering of my waveforms at some point. I am getting a broken arrow signaling the filter assistant :

"SubVI 'Filter' : SuvVI is not executable"


I thought it could have something to see with the whole program and thus created a simple VI of acquisition from a myDAQ aparatus and had the same error.


Do you have any idea how I could at least identify the error?


Thanks in advance,



If you open the SubVI Filter and hit Ctrl+R LabVIEW should tell you what you need to fix in that VI.

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13

Thank you,


I get the error : "This VI claims to be part of a library that does not include the VI. The VI might have been deleted from the library. Add the VI to the library again or select File - Disconnect from the library."


Still, the "Disconnect from library" option does not work (no effect) and may actually not be the solution.


I am a bit confused about the problem as I am running a fresh installation of Labview from the beginning of the project (Labview 2011 32bits)

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

I realize right now that the exact same error message appears when using the Tone Measurements assistant VI.


However I can use for instance the Spectral Measurements assistant VI without error.


Any clue?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

Anyone have a solution for this or more debugging ideas? I am having exactly the same problem. The Filter and Tone Measurements Express SubVI's will not execute, but the Spectral Measurements Express SubVI works fine. I created a simple VI with these components using their default properties. I've attached a screenshot of the block diagram, front panel, and error list. I'm using LabVIEW 2011 SP1 (32-bit).

SubVI Problem.png

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13



That is what I did to go on with my project:


1. Re-install everything : Did not change anything


2. Create a blank vi, put a VI filter in the block diagram (this should not be functional as it is not wired), copy it and paste it in my other project. I believe if the filter is the first vi of a blank project, it is funcitonal and then you may copy it wherever you need to.


That is no solution but I hope it helps.

Message 6 of 13

You need to open both your Express VIs (Tone measurment and Filter) and edit the settings, I think that if these two are broken it's because the settings are either not properly done or not compatible with your hardware.


At this point a re-install is not a good idea I think.

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.


Antoine Chalons

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13

David, you saved my life. Your second suggestion worked!  I've been at this for hours, trying to get a non-express butterworth filter working. Thanks a ton. Cheers.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13

I´m happy for you David. It´s actually not a solution and it suggests we are doing something wrong somewhere about sampling/generating/acquiring. Still, it alows to go on.



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13

@David Pastorino wrote:



That is what I did to go on with my project:


1. Re-install everything : Did not change anything


2. Create a blank vi, put a VI filter in the block diagram (this should not be functional as it is not wired), copy it and paste it in my other project. I believe if the filter is the first vi of a blank project, it is funcitonal and then you may copy it wherever you need to.


That is no solution but I hope it helps.

#2 Also worked for me. Frustrating, but it worked! In my case the data is read from a spreadsheet CSV file. No hardware involved. LV 2011 SP1, 32 Bit on Windows XP.

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Message 10 of 13