04-22-2009 02:03 PM
Thank you Kristen once again!!!
I couldn't have done this without you.
I am writting up the report and will present this by the end of this quarter.
Wish me luck and Thanks again..
06-22-2013 03:27 AM - edited 06-22-2013 03:50 AM
i want to use this code with usb webcam .
how can i change it ?
help me please
06-24-2013 05:51 PM
It shouldn't be too bad, just replace the grey colored VIs (IMAQ Hardware functions) with their correstponding IMAQdx functions. From left to right you will need an IMAQdx Open Camera, IMAQdx Configure Grab,and IMAQdx Grab.vi. If you have vision acquisition software there is an IMAQdx example titled Grab.vi that you can reference.