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Synchronization S-Series M-Series via DAQmx

Dear engineers,

I own PXI-6251 and PXI-6120 and try to couple them together, that one ai-channel of the M-Card follows exactly 4 ai-Channels of the S-Card at the same time and samplingrate.

So I want to get a 5-AD-Channel-System.  The S-Card should be the Master and the Slave should sync itself on the same sample rate and starttrigger.

I found an example for E-Series-M-Series Synchronization but coudn't set a DelayFromSamplCLk in Ticks-  only "TriggerStartVerzögerung" instead.

Another problem is, that i could not pretrigger both cards at the same time. I used the ai/ReferenceTrigger for the M-Card but there seem to be no fix delay between both cards.

1.How big is the SampleClockDelay between S- and M-Series during digital triggering and how can it be set?

2.How big is the Pretrigger-Delay during analog-triggering and how can it be set? 

Thanks for help.


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