09-21-2023 02:02 PM
I was wondering what the proper way to synchronize a 5781 IO module (mounted on a PXIe-7965R flexrio) and a PXIe-6124 module would be. The clock settings for the 5781 is extremely confusing. I aim to generate a signal at 4MSa/s from the 6124 and read it through the analog inputs at 4MSa/s on the 5781. Right now the phase and amplitude look wrong, presumably because the clocks are out of sync. I know that the 5781's AI are synchronous to 'IO Module Clock 0" which is different from the internal FPGA clock? I am then producing a clock for export on the digital line, but I think I can only make it synchronous to the FPGA clock. But this is producing the incorrect results (phase wraps). What's the proper way of synchronizing these two modules?
09-21-2023 05:36 PM
You need to share the same timebase and start trigger.
1. Timebase
2. Start trigger