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Syring pump (New era 500)


I'm a really beginner in labview.

I downloaded the driver for a syringe pump (new era 500) and installed it.

In instrument I/O part I have different parts like initialize, example, configuration...,

but I don't know how can I use them to control the pump. Is it necessary to make a new program with them? or...?


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Message 1 of 9

As a newer LabVIEW programmer, you should open the examples and use them as a template to control the pump.


Typically you program will

1.  Initialize

2.  Configure

3.  inside of a loop

          do actions, check for errors

4. Close


I have not used this pump but drivers are all generally following the same model.

Paul Falkenstein
Coleman Technologies Inc.
CLA, CPI, AIA-Vision
Labview 4.0- 2013, RT, Vision, FPGA
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

MAy I ask about more info on Era 500 pumps?

Im a syringe pump guy but mine are Kloehn. Are they the same?


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Message 3 of 9
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Message 4 of 9



    This link may be helpful.



David Oña
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9



I am currently working with the NE-500 syring pump which is a programmable syringe pump that has an instrument driver (NE-50X).  I downloaded the driver and am able to use it to operate the pump from the NE-50X Push Buttom Example 🙂  For my specific purposes, however, I do not want to give the operator a choice as to what flow rate and volume is to be infused.  Actually, ideally I'd like to control all of the variables (syringe inside diameter, syringe size, infusion rate, etc).  The first while loop on the left side of the block diagram contains the subVI's that I want to edit, my question is how do I edit the these so that the single value I want executes everytime?


Also, just a head's up I am a beginner at Labview.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

You really need to start with the LabVIEW tutorial and the Using Driver topics at the Instrument Driver Network page. You do NOT edit the subVIs. You wire up specific parameters to the inputs. From the driver palette (I have no idea what loop you are talking about), you select the function, drop it on the block diagram, and use block diagram constants as the inputs.

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Message 7 of 9

Thank you for the response!  I was actually able to make it work with the comment you said.  You were absolutely right I did not need to edit the subVIs, I simply had to change the inputs on the block diagram from "DBL Numeric Constant" to a regular Numeric Constant.  Also, thank you for providing the links, I have tried to read through as many tutorials and help topics that I can find but its a lot to absorb.  I'll give those a look through though to try and speed up my coding.


Thanks again!

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Message 8 of 9

I actually have a quick follow up question.  How were the subVI's created (the small blue boxes that you can click and open up its own front panel/block diagram).  I need to do something similar for my project.  Actually, now that I have the syringe pump working the way I need it to, I was hoping to turn it into its own SubVI in a larger program in which I need the syringe pump to work with other instruments such as valves, etc.  Does anyone know how they did this or could reference a tutorial that would help me?  I didn't catch anything like that in the "Labview 101" that was already referenced.



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Message 9 of 9