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TCP/IP communication problems with DCS 100E Controller



I'm new in TCP/IP communication protocol and how it works or the limits it has. I have a DCS 100E Controller from "Advanced illumination", It controls a RGB ring light from the same Brand. I have not been able to find a SDK or LabVIEW example program for this device, so I've been forced to send via TCP/IP the raw commands to control the light system. In the drivers user manual I found the following commands:

Ricaru52_0-1718802987818.png(Channel 1=RED, Channel 2=GREEN & Channel 3=BLUE)


So, in theory if you send "SET:MODE:CHANNEL1,1" & "SET:LEVEL:CHANNEL1,100;" the channel 1 in the driver shout set to continuous mode and turn the light on at 100mA (Chanel 1 in my lamp is RED).

I do not know if I'm doing it wrong, but my program is not working properly.

I made two programs:

One more simple program "WRITE-READ-AILight" where yo connect and send only one command and then close the TCP/IP connection.

Ricaru52_1-1718804123386.png In this program the light do not turn the light on never.


One "more" elaborated "WRITE-READ-AILightV2" where connects TCP/IP it enters in to the main loop where you can switch the lights all the times you want until you push stop button and It disconnect's the communication and stops the run.

Ricaru52_2-1718804606205.pngIn this programs the light sometimes switch on, but not all the light only one at a time... 


As an additional info of the second program, when I send some consecutive commands or also I try to read from the device, the drivers stop working, returns and error and seems to be overloaded, since the RJ-45 LED switch stop blinking.


I will leave the programs here if you want to check it. 

As I said i do not know about TCP/IP, I will really appreciate some help 🙂


Thank you very much in advance,

Ricard Cardelo



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Message 1 of 7

Can you share the .vi file

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Message 2 of 7

I thought I added it, sorry. Here is the project with both VI

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Message 3 of 7

Ran into a heap of work so I won't have time to look at it.  Hope someone else can

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Message 4 of 7

No problem, thanks anyway.

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Message 5 of 7

Here is a trimmed down version of your first VI. You have to manually push the Write button, but I think it does what your VI was supposed to do.

I merged the loops, changed all booleans to latch and removed most of the local variables.

See if this works the way it should.

Message 6 of 7

Sorry for the late response. I converted to labview 19 to run it, but It didn't switch on any light... The program works and apparently sends the data, but no respond from the driver or light.


As a piece of information, I run again the V2 of my program (without any change), and worked without problem until again it start glitching, working slow or directly disconnecting...

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Message 7 of 7