08-20-2015 12:28 PM
I disabled all NI services with the exception of:
After rebooting the machine, logging in, letting things settle, if I run:
I get two entries relating to NI software, specifically nimxs.exe (MXS Service😞
I then start NI MAX, let it settle, expand my Devices and Interfaces, expand and rescan all my GPIB buses, and exit NI MAX.
After wating a bit if I rerun
I now get four entries relating to nimxs.exe:
and 96!! entries, I believe from nipalsm.exe (NI -PAL Service Manager):
And these connections don't go away even after a long time. I've just waited 15 minutes before typing this last line and they are still there.
Don't think this is expected behavior. What is going on?
08-20-2015 12:30 PM
WOW, Strike one for this web forum. It looks fine in Rich Text and HTML and looks all garbled after posting ....
08-20-2015 12:46 PM
Stoping and restarting the service locator (nipalsm.exe) then waiting for a bit, and eventually all TIME_WAIT connections go away, but shouldn't go away anyway? Or is the time out set to an unreasonable long period?
08-22-2015 09:28 AM
@instrumento wrote:
WOW, Strike one for this web forum. It looks fine in Rich Text and HTML and looks all garbled after posting ....
Well, strike one for the browser where I was doing the post 🙂 It looks fine from home.
Anyone knows what is going on?
08-24-2015 04:29 PM
Hi instrumento,
Are you still having this?
It is normal to see multiple instances of the nipalsm, but I have not seen what you experience. Are you running something?
Why Do I See Multiple Instances of nipalsm in the Windows Task Manager?
08-24-2015 07:50 PM
caro16av wrote:
Are you still having this?
It is normal to see multiple instances of the nipalsm, but I have not seen what you experience. Are you running something?
My first post described what I did, i.e. reboot, run NI-MAX, expand and rescan all GPIB buses, exit NI-MAX, nothing else is running except normal Win7 tasks.
10-28-2015 07:28 PM
Am I the only one seeing this?
I'm not sure it is a problem to begin with, but it is like some NI software is just dropping a tcp connection without closing it, and then the TCP stack never cleans it until reboot.
I'm having a problem with one of my servers eventually not responding, and not sure if this is related.
10-29-2015 03:31 PM
Hi instrumento,
Expected behavior for your system will depend on the hardware you have in NI MAX. To help determine what is expected behavior, can you please upload an NI MAX technical report? This link will walk you through creating one. Please generate a technical support report for your system. Thanks!
Christine S
Applications Engineer
10-29-2015 04:07 PM
Generated the NI Max report, opened a ticket with support.
12-02-2015 06:52 PM
Bug in NI MAXs interaction with the NI PXI Resource Manager.
To check it out, disable NI PXI Resource Manager, reboot, then run NI-MAX.
No need to click on anything and a few socket connections to port 3580 should be there in TIME_WAIT state, for ever.
NI R&D acknowledged the bug and a Corrective Action Report (CAR) has been filed.