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Tab Control Broken LV8.6

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Hi guys,


I just started working with LabView a month or so ago.   I was arranging the front panel of my VI to look nice and pretty, grouping and locking things as I went so I wouldn't keep grabbing the wrong elements.  I tried to lock the tab control, but when I went to unlock it, it said it had never been locked.


Now, I can't grab the tab and resize/etc it, as if it really was locked.  In addition, if I add a new item to any given tab, I lose control of it and can't resize/right click or anything.  I can drag to select an element, and then delete it or move it with the arrow keys, but I can't even do those to the tab control.


I tried locking and unlocking the tab control, but if I fiddle too much, I get an error message about fpsane.cpp.  It is certainly not going away, though.  Any thoughts on ways I can avoid completely rebuilding the front panel?




P.S.. Here's the error log.


#Date: Mon, Mar 02, 2009 12:08:47 PM
#OSName: Windows NT
#OSVers: 5.1
#AppName: LabVIEW
#Version: 8.6
#AppKind: FDS
#AppModDate: 06/26/2008 03:25 GMT

Insane object at FPHP+810F268, UID 5171, in "": {id } (0x4): List (LIST)
Insane object at FPHP+810F268, UID 5171, in "": {id } (0x4): List (LIST)
Insane object at FPHP+810EAF8, UID 5166, in "": {id } (0x4): GrouperObject (DDO )
Insane object at FPHP+810EAF8, UID 5166, in "": {id } (0x4): GrouperObject (DDO )
Insane object at FPHP+81F22F8, UID 12, in "": {sub } (0x10): Pane (DDO )
Insane object at FPHP+81F22F8, UID 12, in "": {sub } (0x10): Pane (DDO )

c:\builds\penguin\labview\branches\Saturn\dev\source\panel\fpsane.cpp(432) : DAbort: Fatal insanities(0x00000014) exist in ReportInsanities, ''
$Id: //labview/branches/Saturn/dev/source/panel/fpsane.cpp#10 $
0x00F3566A - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00F35DFC - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x005AA7BA - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x005ABC4A - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x005AB190 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x005AB4F5 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x005AB7D8 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x0100B17A - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00D57D1A - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x0140C2EC - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01413AB1 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x01414F01 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00E3A5B9 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00DBAA01 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00E4C69C - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x7E418734 - USER32 <unknown> + 0
0x7E418816 - USER32 <unknown> + 0
0x7E4189CD - USER32 <unknown> + 0
0x7E4196C7 - USER32 <unknown> + 0
0x00404264 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00404696 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x100014A6 - QtManager431 <unknown> + 0
0x67093321 - NIQtCore431 <unknown> + 0
0x00000000 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
0x00000000 - LabVIEW <unknown> + 0
*** Dumping Bread Crumb Stack ***
#** sanity checking heap: "C:\Documents and Settings\Jared Stewart\Desktop\VME\Quarknet VIs from Selex\"
#** sanity checking: "C:\Documents and Settings\Jared Stewart\Desktop\VME\Quarknet VIs from Selex\"
#** compile: "C:\Documents and Settings\Jared Stewart\Desktop\VME\Quarknet VIs from Selex\"
*** End Dump ***

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hi Jneuhaus20,


Have you tried putting a new tab control on your block diagram and locking it/then unlocking it? Does this problem still occur? What happens if you save a copy of the application- does this problem happen in the saved copy? I was not able to reproduce this problem. Are you able to post your code?

Claire Reid
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Hi Claire, thanks for the good ideas!  I tried saving a copy in memory (keeping the original open), then closing labview entirely before opening the copy, but the problem persisted.  I put a new tab control on the front panel, and was able to break that one, but it didn't fix the old one.


To clarify, I'm breaking the tab control as follows:

  • I select the tab control only by dragging a box around a portion of it.
  • I lock it using the group/send forward/etc. menu.
  • I click off of it to unselect it.
  • It then becomes unselectable using any means other than double-clicking the element in the block diagram.
  • Once reselected as above, it registers as being unlocked (i.e. unlock is grayed out, but lock is available from the menu).
  • If I lock and unlock it once selected, then try to close the VI (without saving first), I get an fpsane error.


It seems like it could be a result of the tab control not properly handling being locked.  I attached the VI in question.  Let me know if you need any sub-VIs.  I apologize if it's a little messy, I'm not a programmer by profession.


Thanks again! 


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7
Accepted by jneuhaus20



I think I was able to unlock it. If you select the box that is around the Tab and Send it to the Back. then move the box away from the tab. And select the entire tab control and then Unlock it. This worked for me. Please see the attached VI.


Claire Reid
National Instruments
Message 4 of 7

That did the trick!  I'm not sure the importance of sending the big pane to the back before moving it, but it must have been dragging around the whole tab that was the key.  I  never tried that because I'm used to that selecting the entire contents of the selection area, and I had been selecting locked panes before by only selecting a small intersection with the border of the object.


Thanks for the help!

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7
Glad I was able to help!
Claire Reid
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Almost 7 years later and I had the exact same problem in LV2015 and fixed it the same way. Thanks NI forums!

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7