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Task Location

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Hi LabView newbie here,


I'm working my way through the Core 1 tutorials, and notice that when I try to add to specify the task name, e.g. 'Thermocouple' (exercise 5-2), I can only browse Max Tasks. There is no thermocouple task here. The thermocouple task is buried in a project file elsewhere on my computer. When I run the task, error -200488 appears, presumably because it can't find the correct task. 

Question - how do I move between max tasks and project tasks? Or change the default?

Note that when I try to select the task name, the project is greyed out and I can only select max task names.


UPDATE: if I select the VI directly from the project rather than opening a VI from 'Open Existing' when I open LabView, I am able to select project or max tasks. Not terribly intuitive but I'll take the victory.


Thank you for reading.


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Accepted by drowe84

Fun to know fact about DAQmx controls and constants:


If you right-click on them you can find a method to FILTER the available selections.   It sounds like the filter setting on your exercise is set to existing Tasks in MAX when you probably want to open the vi in the project context where the Task is located (i.e. from Project Explorer) and set the filter to all Tasks.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks Jay, I/O filtering looks useful


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