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Temperature measurement using USB 6351

I am using a T thermocouple and I am using the DAQ, USB 6351.  What would be the most accurate LabVIEW program just to measure the air temperature?  When I use Acq Thermocouple it runs through many samples and does not seem even close to accurate (I am getting readings between 16 and 21 C and inside this building it is closer to the low to mid 20's).  Any suggestions?  And can the USB 6351 give me temperature readings that are +/- 3C accuracy?


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Message 1 of 3

Hello ncm,


We'll need more information about your setup before offering specific advice (To start with- what measurements do you expect?), but in general you'll want to average multiple samples when acquiring from a thermocouple- they are generally quite noisy, particularly when used to measure air temperature.  Air currents are rarely as static as you think they are.


Some things to keep in mind:


-Cold junction compensation (manual vs. automatic)

-Thermocouple accuracy

-DAQ Analog input range (smaller range will give you higher resolution, which is important when measuring small signals such as the uV differential coming from your thermocouple)


The X-series USB DAQ has a pretty wide range of capabilities and should be able to acquire high-accuracy signals from just about any basic sensor with proper conditioning and a suitable task configuration.  I would posit that your limiting factor is going to be the accuracy of the thermocouple itself. +/- 3 degrees C should absolutely be achievable.


Here are a few things I'd recommend reading through:


Making a Thermocouple Measurement With NI LabVIEW


KnowledgeBase: How Do I Reduce Noise in My Thermocouple Measurements?


Edit- This is the LabVIEW discussion forum, so you may also want to consider posting your hardware-specific questions here:


NI Multifunction DAQ forum



Tom L.
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Message 2 of 3

Thank you for the link for the DAQ forum, that will be helpful.  As for the LabVIEW portion, I attached a screen shot of the temperature example that I am using.  I have the T thermocouple hooked up to the USB 6351 to pin 23 and 24 (which is AI.6 +/-)  The major issue that I am running into is that the temperature seems good for a few seconds when running this program but then drops off unexpectedly (see attached)  I am not sure the reasoning for this  I need to know how much data I should feel comfortable that is accurate so that I can average the signal correctly.

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