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The Perfect Mouse/Pointer Device to use with LabView

Has anyone found a better way to use LabView?


I'm kind of tired of using the regular mouse...


I know that other apps have custom solutions, like graphic tablets for Graphic designers or 3D Mouse for 3D Applications. 


So I was wondering if any has a good idea on a custom mouse/pointer device to use with LabView.




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Message 1 of 8
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Message 2 of 8

I use a Kennisgton Expert Mouse Pro



But I purchased mine years ago and have heard they are no longer available. Ebay is selling them used for about $400 a piece! (I got mine for about $110).


What I like most about track balss like the Kennsington is...


Large ball has its own momentum. I can throw the cursor to where I want it.


No need to hold mouse in place while clicking since I can lift my hand from the ball and click without distrubing position.


The only problems I have had with them is I have worn out the left click button. But becuase they have two of each (right and left click buttons) I was able to swap the buttons (using a soldering iron of course) and now the defunt switch is under the button I never use. They are built like a tank and use optical encoders driven by the ball.







Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 3 of 8

Thanks for answering,


What about the Evoluent Vertical mouse? anyone has try that one.




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Message 4 of 8

@oskretc wrote:

Thanks for answering,


What about the Evoluent Vertical mouse? anyone has try that one.

I did. Didn't like it. It may have some merits in terms of reducing wrist fatigue and strain, but I found it far less comfortable to use than a regular mouse. My brain wasn't making the translation between the signals I was sending to my arm and the position of the cursor in the same way as with a regular mouse. Maybe my brain is broken. Wouldn't be the first time.

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Message 5 of 8

I've found Logitech gaming mice have a nice combination of very precise lasers and ergonomics...I've used the MX5xx's and the G9 for extended periods and at the office I've been using an MX3200 wireless keyboard/mouse combo -- not a gaming mouse, but I wanted a wireless setup so I could move it around and easily (1 USB dongle) swap control of my laptop, PXI chassis, and desktop without a KVM...

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Message 6 of 8

I use a Razer Gaming Mouse and Mouse Mat. Excellant control and well worth the money $100.00 for both.

Visualize the Solution


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Message 7 of 8

I often use touchpad on my laptop. its totally free. included in laptop. no cost. Using only your finger muscles, you save energy, as with a regular mouse you use more muscles. that would mean you have more energy to use your brain to think great out great labview software, and taking lesser food brakes (for thoes who do eat when they work that is).


After some time you get really fast using it in labview.


The main reson might be that I'm just to lazy to pack out my mouse and plug it into the laptop, or I have to much cables on the table and dont bother to remove them to create "mouse" space...

Message 8 of 8