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Thermocouple device 9213, 3 questions

Hello Everybody,


I am using the NI USB 9213 with the USB 9162 carrier. I am taking measurements(continuous mode) by using all 16 channels.However, there are three newbie questions I would like to ask.


Firstly, I am using 3 DAQ assistant VIs. Each one uses 5 channels(the third one uses 6) that represent an area as perceived by me, namely, Upper, Middle, Lower. In order to get measurements from all three tasks, I have put true constants to the stop input of each VI and have connected the error out to error in to acquire measurements from each DAQ in an order. My question is, If, When I am changing the temperature of a channel that belongs to Upper VI and at this specific moment my program is acquiring data from the Middle VI, is the delay of response negligible?

Secondly, I would prefer to use one Daq assistant for all channels, but is there a way to plot the responses in more than one graph?

Lastly, for the former case where I am using the three tasks, If I change the acquisition mode in High speed, will this apply to all channels, even though they are used in three different tasks?


Thank you in advance,



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Message 1 of 3

Using 3 separate DAQ Assistants makes no sense. Use one and then you can just use the Split Signal function.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Thank you for your answer!



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Message 3 of 3