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Timestamp is lost after convertion from dynamic data

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Dear Community, This is my first labview aplication and my first forum post. I have a board PXI-6133 sampling signal voltage data at 100ksamples/s. I need take this signal and do this calculation. If my input is labeled as x so I need do this calculation. Y= x + j*Hilbert(x) - Equation 1 Afther that I use the block re-img to polar to take the radius. Radius from Y is the signal that I really interested, I need analyse the Radius Y frequency spectrum. However Labview don't allow me to send dynamic data as input for equation 1 and this is creating issues for me. I tried use a 'Convert from Dynamic Data' - 1Daaray of scalars - single channel (I circle this at picture), however didn't work very well. Afther this conversion the Y data wasn't changed, but the X data lost all the time information(take a look at figure). And my spectrum analysis become very wrong without the correct time for data. Someone have some kind of tip to allow me do the equation 1 without lose my timestamp?
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Message 1 of 5
I don't know the reason for my attached file don't appear. My image with my labview code is hosted at this url
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Message 2 of 5
Accepted by rodrigopereira

Please do not send pictures of a section of code.  Attach the VI (or, better, if this is in a LabVIEW Project, compress the Project's folder and attach the resulting .zip file).


Dynamic Wires are (perhaps) OK for very simple things, but as you are discovering, they hide a multitude of difficulties.  To do sophisticated things, it helps to know at least the LabVIEW Basics (maybe have some LabVIEW experience) and to avoid "short-cuts" such as Express VIs and Dynamic Wires.


Bob Schor

Message 3 of 5

Thanks Bob. I`ll study other ways to acquire my signal. This article sounds a good start

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Yes, that's an excellent White Paper.  In fact, when I first read it was when I first began to really understand DAQmx.


Bob Schor

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Message 5 of 5