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Timing off between two loops

I am writing a VI that is writing a sine wave to the DAQ, reading the DAQ, and Writing the data to a file.  I am using a PCI-MIO-16E DAQ card.  My problem is that the timing is off.  the written data is not showing a true sine wave.  it's is streched intially and then compresses.  I would like a to improve the timing between my two loops.  Any Ideas.
Greg (the one who is lost in his own spaghetti)
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I have used the Timed Loop to improve timing between two loops. 
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You might also look in the NI Example Finder (from LabVIEW: Help >> Find Examples) for an example on syncronizing AO and AI to the same clock source. That might help.

I didn't look at your code in too much detail, but the loops should be able to run at different rates. The Queue transmission should buffer the data transfer and account for lags on the receiver side.

Jarrod S.
National Instruments
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