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Tip Strips disappearing and appearing after restarting app

Is this me or labview! must be me again!

I have noticed after running my application for say 5 hours continuously and after performing various operations during running, sometimes tip strips stop showing and if i stop and restart, tip strips start showing again!


Has it been experienced by someone else?

Many thanks 

K Waris


ATE and Labview Consultant
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

LabVIEW Version?


OS Settings?

Can you attach the VI that exhibits the behavor?

What are the "Steps" to reproduce the disappearing Tip Strips?

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4

Hi Jeff

It is Labview 2014

Os is Windows 7

OS Settings: Standard Windows 7 installation, no modification made


Unfortuntely I am prohibitied to share. But rest assured, tip strips are added on every control/indicator by right clicking and entering in Description and tips..


I simply shutdown main application vi and restart by double-clicking its icon on desktop. 


Thank you

K Waris

ATE and Labview Consultant
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Hi K-Waris,


Are you able to reproduce the error with a simple code that you can share? For example a simple control in a while loop with some timing? 


Do you modify any property nodes within your code? If so which ones?


Are you definitely clicked back onto the window when you come back to the code after 5 hours? May sound silly but if the window isn't selected the tips won't show up when you hover over the control.


Kind regards



NI Applications Engineer

Certified LabVIEW Architect
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Message 4 of 4