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Trigger problem with PXIe-6537 and PXIe-5110

We have been using PXI-6541(HSDIO) with PXI-5122 (Scope).  A pattern is loaded into the PXI-6541 memory and the PXI-6541 plays a pattern out (at 10MHz) and the scope is triggered to get the data.  A PXI-1010, or PXI-1033, or PXI 1042 chassis have been used.


We are looking at replacing the PXI-6541 with a PXIe-6537 and replacing the PXI-5122 with a PXIe-5110.  The PXIe-6537 does not have on-board memory.  The chassis is a PXIe-1073.


The problem is that when the pattern is played out by the PXIe-6537, the PXIe-5110 scope Fetch gets “Maximum time exceeded before operation completed” error while waiting for the data.   It acts like the scope card is not getting triggered.

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