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Trouble-internet explorer activex?



I have a very nice website that i want to display using the activex container inside labview.

the website works like a charm when opened with internet explorer, but as soon as i put the container in labview the dimensions change (i see weird static disabled scroll bars on the left side and top side of

the browser) and all the boxes and buttons are not in place.


all seems to work fine wit the mozilla activex but I must admit that it is not optimal to be used as a browser.


Any help or orientation would we appreciated. at least some hints about any update or what version of IE is used?



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Message 1 of 9

How big is your internet window in LabVIEW? Usually if you resize your web browser, the page view will change. This depends how the page is programmed. If your browser window in LV is quite small and the page is not optimized to be displayed in a small window you could get a strange looking page. Try to resize the browser window in LV and see if it changes the look of the page. Also try with your web broser to see if the same thing happends. 


Note that some pages might not support all browsers. Some pages works fine in internet explorer and not in firefox or opera and vice-versa. This should been taken care of the header section of the html source code. Maybe you could post your VI, or atleast a picture of the LV window with the strange looking page.


I usually create html pages for opera and firefox. Sometimes if does not look good in internet explorer when I resize the windows. Specially for tables. 

Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer

Automated Test Developer
Topro AS
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Message 2 of 9

Hi Thanks for your reply.

I am sure i have no trouble with the VI. I have tried all possible sizes of the activex container and none of them worked.

resizing could hide the bottom bar but not the one on the right.


maybe it is a problem with optimizing the html code of the page, but the thing is that it appears great with internet explorer 9 and 8.

is there any other way to open mozilla firefox in labview? or Google chrome? or any other browser?



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Message 3 of 9

Try to run your page in this with the VI in this lib. I have tested this with some internet pages and I runs fine.

Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer

Automated Test Developer
Topro AS
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Message 4 of 9

Hi Even,


I have tried your VI but it is still the same output.


one question: is the activex component using the actual installed version of internet explorer or another one?

and would that be in any way related to the 64bit system that i am using?



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Message 5 of 9

Hi Even,


I have tried your VI but it is still the same output.


one question: is the activex component using the actual installed version of internet explorer or another one?

and would that be in any way related to the 64bit system that i am using?



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Message 6 of 9

Hi Fadi!


I'm affraid I'm getting away from solid ground on this one, but I have checked out some things for you:


As you can see the internet explorer browser window in Labview uses this activex tool. I've tried to search google, but I think this is a bit high-tech for me. I would guess that the IWebBrowser2 or the IWebBrowserAPP uses the internet explorer version you have on your computer. The Microsoft Internet Controls are just the API to let LabVIEW work with internet explorer. The API itself is probably old. If you run windows 64-bit, you should probably have internet explorer 32-bit and 64-bit (I have this at home, as default when I install windows 7) and the API should use the 32-bit.


Now I definately find myself far from solid ground and in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. So I hope somebody can correct me if I worng. As for the Mozilla Firefox API i found this link. Maybe it can be of any useSmiley Happy 


P.S. Have you tried to look at other pages in the VI I uploaded? Such as this forum or some other complex page? Maybe there is something with API or the VI itself. 

Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer

Automated Test Developer
Topro AS
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Message 7 of 9

I tested the old Vi I uploaded on Youtube and another page that requires Java and Flash. Since the page worked correctly I pretty sure that the API uses your current web browser. If it used something else, I belive there would be some errors when using a page with Java or Flash.

Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer

Automated Test Developer
Topro AS
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Message 8 of 9



I have been playing around with activeX, Iexplorer and the report generator. I found that many HTML attribus are not working in the control although they work in the iexplorer browser. For example test the table-tag and several attributes to it.

After reading up on, I conclude that:



the active X control iexplorer uses only HTML 5.


So, in order to make a pretty table, one has to  use CSS in the table tags.




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Message 9 of 9