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Trouble with SR830 autogain (-1073807339)

I solved the problem just using the right cables. Thanks a lot
Message 11 of 17


I am using LABVIEW Program to connect Lock-in amplifier. I need to measure the voltage of my sample at two different points- one with mV and other with nV. To obtain voltage value for both, I want to add auto gain to my program. Can you please help me to find auto gain function in Labview so that I can improve the sensitivity of my program.


Thank You

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 17

Hi urvabot, 


First I would recommend making a new post, as this one is from a couple of years ago and a new post will have more visibility. 


Second, there is a gain function that comes with the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module Toolkit that may be what you are looking for: 


Gain Fuinction: 



0 Kudos
Message 13 of 17

Hi Maura,

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll post the question again.

On clicking the link which you mentioned I found the error message. Is there any other way by which i can get the autogain vi.



0 Kudos
Message 14 of 17

Maura had hidden characters at the end of the link that caused it to break.  Here is the non-broken link.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 17

That link will not help you. You need to go to SRS website and download the manual for the lock-in. In the manual you will find the autogain function which must be sent over the VISA interface. You should set up some sort of Status register to tell when the operation is complete. 


Since you seem new to LabVIEW I recommend you download the driver from the instrument driver site and see if the autogain function is included. A long time ago I posted a SRS lockin program on the discussion forums that had the autogain function. Warning it is not my best work and it was when I was a beginner in LabVIEW. You can try that also. (I am not posting the link to it because I do not like the program, you can find it and use it at your own risk.)



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Message 16 of 17


The drivers for SRS830 are also on thinksrs site. From memory the command for autogain with SRS830 is AGAN

The error you might have is that the AGAN is valid only if the time constant is smaller or equal to 1 sec.



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Message 17 of 17