05-14-2014 03:15 PM
I am attempting to communicate with a device, ADU71 (USB to Current output) from Ontrak.net through a USB port. When initially installed the default windows drivers. The device worked well with the provided vendor executable. However when attempting to control from Labview the deviceis not visable in MAX or Labview.
I built a Labview driver using NI-Visa Wizard. The driver was visible in MAX but not in Labview. It also killed the device in the vendor executable. I don't no if the device is USBTMC compatible. I'm using Windows 7.
Can some one help with this?
05-14-2014 04:42 PM
05-14-2014 11:28 PM
There is a .DLL and .h provided. I'm not familiar with using the Call Library Function so I guess I need to learn. Can anyone help with that?
05-15-2014 02:36 PM
If you have the DLL and the H then you might be able to use the importer. I've never had much luck with it but I always try.
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05-15-2014 04:16 PM
Yes, I gave it a try and it seems to have created some interesting vi's. Unfortunately the functions require passing and recieving pointers to data. I don't know how to do that. I'm investigating that now. Are you familiar with this process?
05-16-2014 07:14 AM
I've never done it but I know there can be extra work involved. Here are a few links
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