Hello Raphschru,
I'm conducting some test with this code - and I reached soem open questions:
- In main Loop is timer wait - setuped for 20 ms - why that delay?
- I setuped Timeout of both Invoke Methods for -1. I don't find good explanation how to calculate this timeout but I wanted to not have delay/ I'm not sure if this is correct approach.
- I think that a good practice ( in code optimisation point of view) should be creating producer - consumer pattern with QUEUE and separate decoding, saving and visualizing tasks in consumer loop. My firsts attempts with QUEUE gave me worse results than reached with actual code - I see some gaps in data - probably because incorrect QUEUE configuration
- How to configure the queue in this case?
- Attached are Copy_4 - without QUEUE and Copy_5 - with QUEUE.
With QUEUE I see some gaps in Time records - they should be perfectly straight , linear increasing. There is missing periodically about ~300 ms.
How to prevent this "breach"?
Best regards