07-28-2023 12:02 PM - edited 07-28-2023 12:07 PM
HI Im trying to send large data over UDP, since UDP cant send data more than 500 bytes, im splitting data to packs of 500 bytes and sending the pack information initially and reading complete data.
it works great for me up to 64000 bytes or 8000 samples (Double) but beyond that its not getting processed. can some one help me on that
Im uploading my project here
It would be great if you can comment on the approach i had took to send comparatively large data
07-28-2023 01:44 PM
Bit more clarification, as per Labview UDP write, a single write can have only 8000 bytes, so i chose 500 to be my package size, so im sending packets of 500 in a for loop and still im not able to receive more than 65K bytes of data
07-30-2023 10:08 AM
I build a better send and rec which can stream heavy data