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USB High Speed data transfer from a FT2232H

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I want to transfer data at a rate of about 100 Mbit/s or 12 MByte/s from a user board to Labview. Is this possible?

Continuous data stream.


I am new to lab view but I have read that lab view can interface to user hardware. I probably need the dll from FTDI for that. They have even examples, but they are for lab view 7.1, so not sure also here.


Thanks in advance...


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Accepted by 11MW99

I think a colleague of mine is using these chips to do insanely-fast VISA transfers with LabVIEW.  If you do a Web serach for FTDI LabVIEW, you will find a 2019 NI White Paper saying that you can get drivers compatible with LabVIEW 7.1 and later.  Give it a try.


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks Bob,

I will look for this paper.

I have this driver and some sample VIs from FTDI.

I will start with them once I have lab view installed.




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