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USB<->GPIB bridge and mac os X

Hi All,


I am attempting to communicate with various instruments via gpib with a macbook running 10.5.7 and the latest NI package install (version 2.5). The software appears to be installed OK (according to the troubleshooting wizard) but the computer cannot find the hardware, which is a usb-GPIB bridge connector. According to the system profiler, the computer has it registered as a GPIB device on one of the usb ports. According to the NI-VISA Configuration utility the usb port has the following:


USB0::0x3923::0x702B::NI-VISA-438304768::RAW   READY 

USB0::0x05AC::0x8501::NI-VISA-4  VISA_1        READY

USB0::0x05AC::0x8501::NI-VISA-4  VISA_0        READY


The last two have alias' to see if that made any difference.


According to the trouble shoorting wizard there is no hardware interface at all... 


If I try and register an instrument on the gpib bus I get "VI_ERROR_INTF_NUM_NCONFIG: The interface type is valid but the specified interface number is not configured."


Now, there are two possibilities left to me: my code for testing is screwed up... this is very possible, I am using python and a hacked version of pyvisa, so it is entirely possible that I need to test this with C code and the gpib libraries. I am willing to do that but I want to eliminate the other, more worying possibility: I am using an old usb-gpib bridge connector (model GPIB-USB-B) and it may be that this is not compatible with my computer? Does anyone know if this is the case?


I also have an agilent 82357A bridge, but Agilent don't supply os x drivers, so I kind of expected it not to work (indeed, it doesn't).


Thanks for any help 


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hello Exmamaku,


thank you for your post on our webforum. I'm sorry to say that this device isn't supported under MAC OS. The GPIB-USB-HS device is supported with the NI 488.2 2.5.5 driver, but this is a different device from the one you have.


Best regards,

Martijn S
Applications Engineer
NI Netherlands
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

I know this is a long shot but have you tried enabling "Tulip support" in Ni VISA?


 *I have to enable the Tulip to get Agilent USB-GPIB bridges to work with LabView in Windows*


This part may be different for your Mac, but you should get the idea... 


Go into the Measurment and automation explorer (MAX)


Under Software open right click on NI-VISA and select Properties


In the Right hand window Click on Passports


Notice that the ONLY box unchecked by default is NiVisaTulip.dll -- NI-VISA Passport for Tulip


Check this box

Message Edited by RTSLVU on 07-31-2009 07:51 AM
=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7



MAX is a Windows only program.


On the Mac a program called NI-VISA Configuration gives access to passports.  No Tulip passport is present in the list.  All passports present are enabled.


Is there a version of the Tulip .dll available for theMAc?



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Message 4 of 7
Thanks for the replies. I was afraid that the -B extension would mean that I was out of luck. And I really doubt that the Agilent bridge will work, since there are no Mac OS X drivers for it. Though... now that I think about it. Are there linux drivers for either... and do they folow the usual make tool chain installation procedure? Because, if they do, then I might be able to get it going...
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Message 5 of 7

exmamaku wrote:
Thanks for the replies. I was afraid that the -B extension would mean that I was out of luck.


Don't feel bad I have a couple NI USB-A USB-GPIB adaptors here.


National Insturments does not even support them in Windows anymore. Smiley Mad


=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7
OK, so linux drivers run in kernal space. That would end that line of attack.
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Message 7 of 7