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Ueye hardware trigger



My project is on structured illumination where I use a projector to project patterns and each of these patterns are captured from a camera(UI324X-NIR). I have attached my .vi with this mail. The orange boxes in the code are the related to the projection of the images. 


The projector sends a trigger signal to the camera, and with this trigger the camera must take images. The image acquisition are based on sample dot net files with ueye package.


I am unable to use the hardware trigger. Also, if the time between two images is reduced, software trigger also fails.


Please help me with it.

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Message 1 of 3

-Code is too big, try to use subvis and proper error wiring to make the code to execute sequentially: Check this link: 
-What you mean by unable to use Hardware trigger?
-Can you expxlain bit on the software trigger case you mentioned?
-Does your camera support Hardware Triggering?How it is connected?

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Message 2 of 3

Hello Uday,


Thanks for replying.

Answer to your questions

1. What i mean by not using hardware trigger is that when I activate the hardware trigger option and run the code, the images taken are just dark blank image.


2. When type of trigger used is software, when the time taken to take a single image is like 1sec, the images acquired are perfect. However, if the time is reduced to half a second, the images are bad. 


3. Yes the camera supports hardware trigger. I have a pulse generating projector whose BNC1 port is connected to the camera.


I hope this info helpful.

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Message 3 of 3