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Undefined header



I have probelm with running my program. I work with DSA hp35670A. When I run the program I receive the error of HB-IB error -113 undefined error "RST", "AVOF", "HANN". Can anyone tell me what these commands or functions are? i have already checke other forums and I figured out that there is a chance that these commands are not defined for the device I'm working with. So Im wondering if someone can help me figuing out what these commands are and how I can replace them. Hann is used in string concatenation block, AVOF is used in VISA write and etc. There are other commands as well  (i.e, RST;SNGL;MAG;VSLG;LOG;) but I have no clue what they do and how i can change them.






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Message 1 of 14

I'm guessing that you don't have the programming manual for this instrument. A search of the manual turns up *RST, so that command may be being sent with a syntax error, doesn't turn up AVOF or HANN. The first is a command to turn off AVG at least on the earlier HP3562 DSA, HANN is selecting Hanning filtering. So it may be that you don't have the options installed for this instrument. Since it is giving you error HP-IB error messages it would appear that it is an older instrument, they moved from being called HP to Agilent a decade ago, apparently started calling the interface the GPIB one around then (HP had insisted on refering to it as the HPIB, since they invented it).

What drivers are you using, not sure how Hann is "used in string concatenation block", etc. It also may be that the instrument is old enough that it is using commands from before the industry standard SCPI ones were defined.



Certified LabVIEW Developer

Senior Test Engineer North Shore Technology, Inc.
Currently using LV 2012-LabVIEW 2018, RT8.5

LabVIEW Champion

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Message 2 of 14

Thanks for the reply and the programming manual.

The drive is the one I downloaded from Agilent website.

In the case that the options are not istalled on the device how can I define'em? Or how would I fined the equivalent commands for this device?

I appreciate your help.



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Message 3 of 14

Are the drivers for the instrument you have? There are drivers for the HP35670A on National Instrument's site. If the problem is trying to use options that are not on your instrument that means that there is software/firmware or actual hardware not installed in your instrument. As to parts of your earlier question, I'm still not clear what you are trying to do and what isn't working. All of the commands will be through "VISA" writes, that is how they are sent to the instrument. Commands are in the form of strings, of a specific syntax, that are sent through VISA, which is a software layer that allows using different interfaces without having to deal with some of the low level hardware details (like serial, GPIB/HPIB).

Certified LabVIEW Developer

Senior Test Engineer North Shore Technology, Inc.
Currently using LV 2012-LabVIEW 2018, RT8.5

LabVIEW Champion

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Message 4 of 14



I am facing similar type of problem in LabView 2015 version. I tried in several ways to figure out the error, but I could not find the solution of the error. Please help me. I have attached the screenshot of the error message.

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Message 5 of 14

Coming from an Agilent instrument, that errors means that you are sending an invalid command.  You will need to share your code for us to help any more.

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Message 6 of 14

I am working on frequency counter amd doing code in labview. The block diagram is default driver, but when I run this it shows the undefined header. I changed the value of Gate Start Source , Gate Start Slop and time accoding to thr manual ( 53210A- keysight). But it does not work. The error is come from 4th diagram of Error1.png file which is shown ERR -1074004013.


Can you please help me to fix up this problem? I attached the files of block diagram, front panel and error page.



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Message 7 of 14

After looking at the driver page at, it would seem that there are specific versions of the driver for the version of LabVIEW you are using.  I would also like to remind you that this driver requires NI-VISA 4.6 or later in order to operate correctly.  You can check which version of NI-VISA you are using by opening NI MAX and expanding the software tab.

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Message 8 of 14

Some of the older LabVIEW drivers for the HP/Agilent/Keysight 34970A's had an error or two in them and returned that same error (undefined header).


By using a serial port sniffer and running Benchlink (software provided by HP/Agilent/Keysight) and comparing it to the commands LabVIEW was sending I found a couple of the VI's were missing a comma in the command string they were sending and causing the error.


Since you are using an older 'driver' it may also suffer from similar issues. You might want to take a close look at the command string the driver is sending to the instrument and compare it to the string the programming manual says should be sent.


Remember NI Certified does not mean the driver works 100%, only that in conforms to NI instrument driver guidelines. 

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Message 9 of 14


I am using NI-VISA 4.6 for labview 2015. I think the driver is okay. In this driver, we can collect 4 types of data (multiple frequency, single point of data, Histogram, Statistics), all the drivers are working except the driver which is showing single point of frequency. I  tried several times, but could not fix up.




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Message 10 of 14