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Uninstall labview manually

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Ok so here is another thread to add amongst the sea of other uninstall issues.  I have attempted to locate a similar issue, but I didn't turn up anything that could help me.  As a disclaimer, its ok to laugh at this one.


This thread also starts similar to some others.  I made a boneheaded decision to delete the main folder "National Instruments."  

(The reason for actually doing so is because I have a professional edition and a student edition.  I wanted to keep these both separate by their respective licenses but my first pass at installing didn't work.  I let them both install to the main folder and figured that they would use their own serial numbers :: WRONG ::.  So then I decided that I would put the system into SAFE mode, move that folder, and reinstall the professional version (which sucks to have the STUDENT version watermark when it will be used to create files for customers.  This installation failed ... and well the end story is that I ended up deleting both the folders <new and old> and wanted to start fresh.  I am aware of the registry, but thought everything would just "over-write" itself.  Wrong wrong wrong.)


So there ya have it.  I'm sitting on top of a pile of #### I made for myself.  I have nothing in the add/remove program list, no uninstaller, a mess in my registry, and nothing will install (since it thinks its still magically there!).  So, essentially MAYDAY!!  This is a brand new computer and I ultimately want to have both versions of labview (and kept separate by their serial numbers).  I would appreciate any and all advice.   I've learned my lesson, so please don't remind me :).  



I currently run windows 7.  The labview versions are 2010 (professional) and 2011 (student).

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

So you are saying there is no "national instruments software" listed in the add/remove program control panel?


Most likely you have a lot of registry entries that point nowhere. Try e.g. ccleaner (free) to weed them all out. It seems pretty safe in my experience but no guarantees. 😉

Message 2 of 11

Thanks, I'll try that!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

Well I really thought that was going to work, but it didn't work.  Labview still thinks it is still installed.  Any other ideas?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11
Accepted by Dashiva

I hit a system restore, now I can uninstall properly.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

I just ran into this same problem, but the Device Drivers caused windows to create tons of restore points during their installation, so now I don't have the restore point I created prior to starting the install.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11



There are some recommended steps for you to take this issue here.  I suggest that you try the method that recommended.  Let us know how it goes.  Hopefully you'll be up and running soon!




Jared R.
Precision DC Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

Hi Jared,


Those methods did not help...

  • The KB article basically said "Try uninstalling the right way".  The "Right Way" was broken.  Windows just popped up and said that the NI software was no longer installed, and adsked if I wanted to remove the link in the menu.
  • MS Fixit might work.  However, when you load it, it lists all your NI installations separately, and doesn't let you choose to uninstall more than one at a time.  As I installed the Dev Suite (ALL OF IT), I don't have the time and patience to walk through that process for all 50 (or 100? 200?!) installs.  Clearly more than just part of LV2011 was not working.
  • As this was a new windows installation, I chose to reformat and start over.

A quick note:  System Resore is no help here.  Each install element creates a new System Restore Point.  As you only have a limited number of SRPs, the NI installer quickly blows away the previous good one.  If you turn off SR, Windows deletes the existing SRPs.  This is also unhelpful, although it makes the installation process move faster.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

As much as I would hate to suggest it, but my research led me to believe the only other "successful" way to recover from this would be to format your hd.  Hopefully that's an option for you.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

Hi Jed,


Did your installation work once you reformatted your machine?  If not, please let us know so we can continue to work with you on this issue.  


Jared R.
Precision DC Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 11