07-27-2024 09:37 AM
Error -2147220288 occurred at nisyscfg.lvlib:Install Set.vi:1500001
Possible reason(s):
NI System Configuration: The specified software set or base system image cannot be installed to the target because it is invalid or cannot be found.
Complete call chain:
nisyscfg.lvlib:Install Set.vi:1500001
07-27-2024 11:36 AM
seem like I encounter some errors during installation, after reinstall the everthing works fine
07-27-2024 04:02 PM
I had no trouble installing LabVIEW and getting it to work with the myRIO (and the myRIO Software Bundle) until LabVIEW 2021 (which seems to be the version you are using). I'm hoping that the developers have fixed the (initial) bug in the myRIO Software Toolkit (2021). Congratulations on getting it installed!
Bob Schor