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Use NI 9871 on cRIO as a Serial Sniffer Between 2 devices

I am cRIO/Labview/NI Nube.  I'd really like to find some examples or tutorials on how (If possible) to use the NI 9871 on a cRIO as a serial sniffer between 2 devices. I need something that will help me from the ground up in Labview.


Thanks, Rick

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Message 1 of 5

I hear crickets....

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Message 2 of 5

Hi Speaks,


There are two KnowledgeBases I'd recommend you take a look at.


1) Using 987x Serial Modules with CompactRIO.


2) Required Software for NI-987x Module for cRIO


Also, if you go to help in LabVIEW and select Find Examples... the NI Example Finder will open. If you go to the search tab in the top left, you can search "9871" and this will pull up an example that will help you.

Miles G.
National Instruments
Staff Applications Engineering Specialist
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Message 3 of 5

Thanks Miles,


I'll check it out.



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Message 4 of 5

Well... That didn't go too well.


The examples are very complex, and I don't know enough about RT or FPGA yet to fully understand what it is they are doing.


It seems to be much easier to collect and store data, but when it comes to communication, there is very little information available to help someone new get started.

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Message 5 of 5