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User interface

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Hello guys,


i wrote a code in LabVIEW that tracks real-time inventory using RFID technology. Now i have to work on my interface, i found a picture online that was done using LabVIEW and i am interested in reproducing something similar.

i have attached the picture i am talking about, my problem is i have no idea how this is done and maybe if you guys are a bit familiar with, can give me some tutorials or a starting point where i can start digging and get to my end goal. Also i am wondering if i can a tab control to it?


i hope you guys can give me some hints or anything that can help me get started. 

Thank you,


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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author fadihajj

The controls that look like spreadsheets are called multicolumn list boxes. The dropdowns are usually done with enums or rings. The buttons are boolean controls that have been customized with pictures. 


JKI has a good tutorial on how to customize buttons


If you want something that looks good without having to customize, checkout the flatline controls by JDP Science, as well as system 2.0 controls and there are some flat controls from JKI as well (but I find those to be a little large). I believe all of those can be installed through JKI's VI Package Manager.


Edit: Sure, you are welcome to use tab controls. The drawback is that it modularizes (sp?) your UI, but not your code. If you want to break your code into more manageable chunks, you can look into subpanels. A subpanel is basically a placeholder which will be populated by a VI front panel that you insert via code. Switching the VI that is inserted into the subpanel has a similar visual effect to switching tabs.

Message 2 of 5

Thank you for your quick reply.


i will look into the links you gave me and the VIs in JKI.

as for the tab control; my main code is running on the myrio, so the code on the host pc is fairly simple, its just several NSVs that send data and in return i get pop-ups or i can write the data to a file.

i am at the point where my code is working well, all i have to worry about now is the interface. Do you think i can get the drop down list for the pop-ups as well? I have a pop-up where i have to enter information and another that serves as an alert. The information that i enter is a simple description but that same pop-up shows weight, distance and barcode parameters. So Do you think i can do the spreadsheet looking style to a pop up that requires information entry?

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Message 3 of 5

Yes, for simple things you can use the 1, 2, or 3 button dialog. For anything more demanding, you just make your own SubVI that is called instead. You can set the properties so it is centered and modal, which means the user cannot click behind it. (Careful if you debug your Main VI with this Sub VI open in the background though, it will take control).


Put an event structure inside this dialog SubVI, and have it triggered by a button press. This way the user enters all their information and presses OK, then you wire the information as outputs.

Message 4 of 5

Thank you so much sir

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