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Using ActiveX to _READ_ outlook mail

Hello everyone!


  I am trying to fetch email messages from outlook and process them in my labview software.  I have seen the various examples and posts about sending email with outlook using ActiveX, but after crawling around the web I have not seen any examples of reading email in labview using ActiveX.  I am a newcomer to using ActiveX and am struggling with the specifics of how to do this.  I hope that the LabVIEW fairies can leave some guidance - or better yet, an example - under my pillow (How to examine the inbox for new messages, fetch them, and then erase them).

  I have successfully run various examples of sending an email, but I don't know exactly which sequence of ActiveX classes/calls to use to read email, or which types to wire to the inputs of the invoke node blocks (many of the inputs/outputs are variants, so if you don't know what they're supposed to be, you can't create them).

  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Message 1 of 8

OK, I've answered many of my own questions and have attached an example showing how to use the ActiveX interface to get email from my outlook inbox (written in LV 2011).  I still have one major issue: it only retrieves my email.  What if I want to authenticate as a different user to get mail from a different user's inbox?  I tried a number of things, but have not been successful.  Any help would be appreciated.

Message 2 of 8

Hi All


How to read attachment file from outlook using activeX?





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

Please start a new thread if you have any more questions and place a link to this thread. Please dont hijack someone else's thread.

Outlook Email Interface_LV86_BD.png

CLA CTAChampionI'm attending the GLA Summit!
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Message 4 of 8

I have already try your code,. it is not working please help me to double check.



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

I have already try your code,. it is not working please help me to double check.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Hi Support Team


I havent hear from you for long time, would you mind please help me!





0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Hi Luong Tran,


Lets keep this question to the other tread you created.


Thank you

Kevin S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8