I just installed Labview 7.1 for linux on my machine after throwing away (not literally !) the Agilent card and borrowing an NI PCI-GPIB card. This works with kernels 2.4.x (tested with /usr/local/vxipnp/linux/NIvisa/NIvisaic). However, for proper operation of my machine (have bad display and mouse problems with the old kernel) I need kernels 2.6.x. The driver in /usr/local/nigpib complains that it cannot work with those. I tried hacking the INSTALL script but it keeps running up against differences (like the modversions.h file) between the two kernel series.
Can I use a newer version of the gpib libraries for linux with an older version of Labview like I am using ? I guess I will also need to get newer versions of the visa drivers for that. Though, the labview installation went smoothly with kernel 2.4.27-3 on my Debian system, I know that the newer versions of nigpib (is that the same as ni48825L.iso ?) and NIVISA are not supported on Debian. I cannot reinstall with a different distro, so please do not suggest that.
Any other suggestions ?