09-19-2006 02:32 PM
09-19-2006 03:27 PM
Googling "thermostat" + "RS-232" brings up lots of pages for thermostats with RS-232 and/or RS-485 interfaces.
With the information given, that's about all I can suggest for now, hope it helps.
09-19-2006 04:03 PM
09-20-2006 09:33 AM
09-20-2006 10:30 AM
09-20-2006 10:41 AM
Googling "thermostat" + "ethernet" also brings up lots of products and links. Command set should typically be provided in the documentation for the device.
09-20-2006 10:43 AM
09-20-2006 10:44 AM
09-20-2006 11:07 AM
09-20-2006 11:09 AM