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Using LabVIEW to test each speaker sperately

Hello, All.


I am using LabVIEW 2010 and I am trying to do what one might consider a simple audio test. I want to use LabVIEW to output WAV sound to one speaker at a time, but I have No experience handling this type of design and am not sure if LabVIEW can do it. I have used the "Sound File Read Simple" vi and the "Index Array" vi in hopes that this would help me select a particular speaker. It has not worked. I am using my desktop computer's sound card and speakers to develop this and although I have gotten sound out it is to both speakers, even if I index it for a specific one. Can anyone help me resolve this. I have very little background with WIN API also, so help with that may be in order as well. I know it is a lot, but I could sure use the help and it would be greatly appreciated.



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Message 1 of 5

This question has come up before several times. Did you try a search? Basically what you need to modify the array of 2 waveforms that are fed to the Sound Write VI by replacing the channel you want kept quiet with a waveform that consists of an array of all zeros. The order in which you populate the array dictates which speaker you hear the sound from.

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Message 2 of 5



thanks for the quick response. What I have taken from your response is that after the data leaves the "Sound File Read Simple" vi, in its array form, I sould index that array and fill a particular array with zeros, when I want to hear the other speaker, then merge them back together and let that be the intput data to the "Sound Output Write" vi? Please let me know if I am on the right track with understanding your response. Also, I did try a search fro that topic, but came back empty. I will try again, but if you are able to obtain a link to those previous responses could you pass them on. I appreciate the help thus far.



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Message 3 of 5

That's pretty much correct. Here is an example:


Attached is a modification of the shipping example "Sound File to Sound Output" that does this.

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Message 4 of 5



you have been an enormous help. I believe I have it now. I could not have done it so quickly without your help. Many many thanks.

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Message 5 of 5