I am a research student working on a 5 electrode quadrupole levation system. I am interested of fully incorparating LabView software and NI hardware to control and capture this experiment.
First of all, I would need to create a boxer system driver circuit that is able to produce a waveform consisting of a 2 -15kHz, 5kVpp spike superimposed on the peaks of a 200-400Hz 3kVpp modulating auxilary waveform. This would be the Excitation and also the Main voltages. This will be connected to high frequency transformers to produce the necessary voltages to drive the electrodes. I have found a classical approach of a spike waveform generation circuit to handle this task. However, my question is could I use the LabView software to develope a virtual circuit thus diminishing the needs of this separate physical ciruit to drive the transformers? In summary, the current system used is a TV fly-back and also an auto transformer layout. Several important points to be considered in this case are that the outputs of the 2 transformers used will have to be coupled together so that their signals could be superimposed upon each other and also the signals must be frequency and be phase locked together. I could provide detailed circuits if needed if someone is kind enough to help me.
The second challenge is to grab digital video data to be analysed. I am currently using PULNIX TM-6CN CCD camera to capture the levitating particles. I would also like to know if I could use LabView to grab graphical data from this camera with a over time and size measurement function.
I would very much like to know if LabView in conjunction with NI DAQ cards could handle the functions meantioned above. And if it is possible, what software and harware to I specifically need for this? Thanks in advance for your help in advance.