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Using RIGOL 1054z with Labview. Beginner

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Trying to control my RIGOL 1054z oscilloscope with LabView. I dont really get what I want. Maybe you can give me a hint/solution to this.


-The RIGOL picture presents what I want on the LabView waveform but I don't get that type of results. (Compare with Labview Waveform). How do I adjust my Blockdiagram to create that type of solution?


- The trigger signal (BLUE) shall trigger the oscillscope to fetch the data within that trigger pulse (YELLOW peakes), (All pulses are the same width). There will be 500 trigger pulses so manually is out of question.


My results so far is presented in LabView wave-window.




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Message 1 of 17

Your scales are a factor of 10 different. The scope is showing 2.5us, while the LabVIEW graph is showing 25us.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 17

If you want help with your code, please attach the code not a picture of the code.




It looks like the trigger pulse is on ch2 while the noisy sine wave is ch1.  You're LabVIEW data looks a lot like the noisy sine wave of ch1, just on a different timescale.  Why not try capturing the data on ch2 and see if it matches is the trigger pulse?  Then you'll know if you are at least using the VIs correctly.  


Can you please explain statement this in more detail?


>> The trigger signal (BLUE) shall trigger the oscillscope to fetch the data within that trigger pulse (YELLOW peakes),


What's the d.c./frequency of the trigger?  Where's the trigger coming from?  Is yellow trace what you expect to see and want to capture?  But you're only interested in the part within the trigger pulse? 



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 17

Also where did you get the driver from?  The NI link seems dead..



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 17

As far as I can see in this thread ("ds1104Z") using the RIGOL DS1000 Series Oscilloscope driver should work, expanding it for the additional channels of the Z oscilloscope. Unfortunately the download is dead (I filed a report for it).


P.S.: If you are using LabVIEW-CLI, then there is the "DS1000Z IVI Driver" on Rigol's homepage:

Ingo – LabVIEW 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, NXG 2.0, 2.1, 3.0
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 17


ikaiser cstorey -The driver I got from LabView softwares "Instrument Driver download". rgds1k. 1054z is not supported but 1052 is. So I gave it a try. And so far it is communicating with the 1054z. The driver you pointed to is the same. The VI-tree is working fine. (I guess).



cstorey -When the (BLUE) signal goes HIGH. I want to capture all the YELLOW data between rising and falling edge on the trigger pulse (BLUE). I have an FPGA that makes computations. When the computations starts it sends HIGH to a pmod pin. During this time period, when the trigger pulse is HIGH, the FPGA makes computations with new values. I need to capture them in a CSV file (or something similiar).


- How do I change the time frame when the data acquasition is taking place?. The trigger pulse is 15 clock cycles. I need to collecct all that data within one LabView Wave-window.


Thanks for all the help!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 17

Ok, got you. The driver is still available through the internal driver download function: "Open LabVIEW » Help » Find Instrument Drivers..."; used "Rigol Technology" as Manufacturer and "1052" as Keyword.

Ingo – LabVIEW 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, NXG 2.0, 2.1, 3.0
Message 7 of 17

I already got that one installed and it is working fine:)

But I still got some trouble with the questions asked in the reply above.


- How do I adjust the capture frame on LabView data acquasition. By extending the scale does not help me capture more data.


- When the trigger signal (BLUE) goes HIGH. I want to capture all the YELLOW data during this time period and present it on LabView Wave-form window. All the 15 clock cycles. Right now I only get 2 cycles.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 17

Oh, I posted the explanation on how to install the driver for everyone else, not for you Smiley Wink


Please attach the VI you posted your screenshot of, that makes helping you much more easy. I am not going to try to re-build your code from scratch by just guessing what the symbols in your Block Diagram are...


About your first question: What do you mean by capture frame? Longer data acquisition? Or a higher sample rate?


About your second question: Looks like you want a "Pause Trigger". This means the data is captured as long as your trigger signal is there. I don't know if the driver/1054z supports such a trigger type. Or do you mean you want to capture a (fixed) length waveform every time your edge trigger happens?

Ingo – LabVIEW 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, NXG 2.0, 2.1, 3.0
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 17


haha ok 🙂


"About your first question: What do you mean by capture frame? Longer data acquisition? Or a higher sample rate?"

Answer: Longer data acquisition.


"About your second question: Looks like you want a "Pause Trigger". This means the data is captured as long as your trigger signal is there. I don't know if the driver/1054z supports such a trigger type. Or do you mean you want to capture a (fixed) length waveform every time your edge trigger happens?"


Answer: I want to capture when the trigger conition is met. When the trigger signal is there I want to capture all the YELLOW data. about 1200 point according to RIGOL. 


The TRIGGER signal will always happen at the same time with the same width.


Thank you for all the help! I attach the newbie VI.

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Message 10 of 17