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Using a control as both an indicator and control


I have been search and reading for a few hours now and have finally decided to post. I fear I am not using the correct terms because I am fairly new at LabView.

I currently trying to build a user interface that uses 9 different tabs [I am using the same tab structure as in the labview example code]. There is a set of variables that will need to be on 3 of these tabs in similar form. These variables include:
2 boolean controls
1 boolean indicator
1 string indicator
12 numeric indicators

I would like to have all of these values be the same on the separate tabs at the same time.
For example if I press one of the boolean controls, that same boolean control should now be activated on the other tabs as well.

If it would be possible, please do point me in the right direction of how to go about doing this. (Also the proper terminology)

Many Thanks,
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Message 1 of 5

Post a picture of your code or attach the VI. It will be easier to help you if I see the code.



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Message 2 of 5

I don't think you can have the same instance of controls and indicators on separate tabs.  Two options:

1.  Create separate controls on each tab.  Put code such that if any control or indicator in the list is changed on any tab, the other similar ones get changed programatically.  You can do this with an event structure and local variables or property nodes.  Lots of programming.

2.  Create a section apart from the tabs that will hold common controls and indicators.  Have them always visible, either above the tabs or below, or to the side.  No extra coding required.


- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
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Message 3 of 5

tbob wrote:

I don't think you can have the same instance of controls and indicators on separate tabs.  Two options:

1.  Create separate controls on each tab.  Put code such that if any control or indicator in the list is changed on any tab, the other similar ones get changed programatically.  You can do this with an event structure and local variables or property nodes.  Lots of programming.

I don't think that it will be a lot of programming. For example: if he has 5 controls and want to keep all of them synchronized, with only one Case of the Event Structure he can do the job, setting the 5 controls to trigger that Case when "Value Change" and use the Event Node "NewVal" to write the same value for all controls (including the control that triggered the event, but with a code this size it will not be a big deal to write the information a again to the same control).










Message 4 of 5
If you want a control/indicator (or two, or three, or 12) to appear on all tab pages you just need to move it to the tab page using the arrow keys, and not your mouse. This places it "over" the tab and it will appear regardless of which tab is selected. In edit mode there will be a shadow on the control, but the shadow will disappear in run mode.
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Message 5 of 5