03-07-2013 11:39 AM
I'm trying to develop an object orientated program for a RIO.
In the broadest of terms I'm just try to use one of my VI's to change the status of a control on the FPGA. Even with putting the FPGA reference in to the encoder typedef I'm unable to select the control as the VI doesn't know which FPGA it's referenceing.
Is there a way to do something like this?
03-07-2013 11:56 AM
You might try associating the FPGA reference with a type def. I've not done this before, but this sounds like the application for it.
03-07-2013 12:03 PM
I've just done as suggested here: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Typedef-FPGA-VI-Reference-Does-Not-Retain-Interface-Definition/td-p/...
And that appears to be working.