09-17-2019 01:44 PM
I am new to NXG and am having trouble configuring the scale for a 4-20ma pressure transducer. My question is.....Is it possible to calibrate the transducer in MAX and then use the calibrated task in a NXG VI? I am having no issue calibrating the task, but I can't figure out how to import that task into NXG. Is this even possible? Thanks!
09-18-2019 12:29 PM
I didn't find any information about importing it to NXG. Even though while I was looking I found that it is actually possible to import data from MAX if you follow these instructions. I will attach the link of what I found.
09-18-2019 05:09 PM
Hi Mr_Papagorgio,
You can actually configure the Current input task in the NXG Editor. See the below video for how to do so. Once you setup the task, you can then reference it using a DAQmx Task constant from the block diagram.
Configuring Your Current Measurement in LabVIEW NXG