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Using sample clock with counter input period/frequency measurement

Hi all,


I have a linear position encoder (based on A and B pulse counting) that is attached to an actuator and used with some other analog sensors, e.g. pressure transducer, loadcell, thermocouple. My hardware is 9174 chassis, DIO 9401, 9210, and 9237. I would like to synchronize and also read with the same sampling rate all of the above and also linear velocity that I will be calculating based on CI Period (by dividing my linear encoder displacement per pulse constant by the pulse period).

In order to do that, I am using a CO Pulse Frequency signal as an external source to the sample clocks for CI Linear Encoder and CI Period. This method works for encoder position but apparently does not work for the velocity (CI Period). When I use Sample Clock and external source with the CI Period, I get -201314 error saying "Multiple sample clock were detected within one period...". 

I know I can use implicit timing with the CI Period to calculate the velocity, but I want to continuously read the position and velocity signals even when the actuator is not moving (showing zero velocity and current position) with constant sampling rate. The other problem with implicit timing is that the sampling rate is not constant (dictated by the pulses from the encoder). What I eventually want is to be able to save all the signals (position, velocity, and analog signals) in a CSV file at different columns, where each row corresponds to one time stamp. I have attached a simplified version of my VI for your reference.


Any help would be appreciated.


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