08-20-2007 01:05 PM
08-20-2007 02:28 PM
Sometimes MathCAD casts an input as a string for no apparent reason. When you display the data, are the numbers surrounded by quotes?
You could try using the str2num() function in MathCAD to convert it, if this is the case.
Can you give me some more information on the Mathcad interface library?? I'm actually working on porting my MathCAD worksheets to Labview...
08-20-2007 02:44 PM
Hi, thanks for the advice. Sadly, my problem is not about Mathcad displaying data as strings. I've tested other worksheets, and some work OK with the LabView program, and some don't. Can't say why.
I've just began using the library though. It enables you to write, read, open and close a Mathcad Worksheet. You are able to write and read a number or a matrix. It also has OLE should you need it. So far, those are the options I've been studying. If you need more details, once you've downloaded the free library there are some example VIs that you may find helpful.
09-12-2007 05:12 PM
Hi ali84, did you tried using the examples that are in the library? Do you get the same error? Could you post your code to see how you are sending the data?
If manually defining the worksheet as numbers will make your program work, you could use directly the VIs for Active X and change the properties directly
Best Regards
09-17-2007 03:05 PM