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VI Analyzer: Location for user defined tests

I have set up a CI/CD system for our LabVIEW projects that, among others, runs static code analysis via the VI Analyzer. I have created user defined Tests. LabVIEW expects these to be located in C:\Users\usernameDocuments\LabVIEW Data\VI Analyzer Tests. Is it possible to make user defined VI Analyzer tests a part of the Project they are used in instead?

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As far as I know, user-specified tests can only be in the "LabVIEW Data" folder.


What you want might be possible though if you create a generic test called "Execute Project-Specific Tests", which, when first called, will scan the folder of the owning project, load the specific test VIs that satisfy a certain formalism (location, name, connector pane, ...) and call them dynamically. Then, each subsequent call should use the VI references in memory directly to avoid loosing the scanning and loading times again.


I am not sure in which context (application) the VI analyzer VIs are executed, but you have to make sure it is possible to retain VI references between consecutive calls of your generic test.




Message 2 of 5

You can put subdirectories in the "VI Analyzer Tests" and they will show up in the tree in the VI analyzer, which might help you sort things out:





Message 3 of 5

@raphschru that could work, I'll give it a try. thanks!

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Message 4 of 5

@Kyle97330 good hint, but not quite what I am looking for. I didn't specify it in my question but what I want to achieve is easy deployment of my test vis to the build servers. Of course I could do this by putting them into git repos and pulling them into the LabVIEW Data dir as part of the pipeline but I would like to keep it simple.

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