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VI Server, sub panel, and Run Time App

I am having trouble getting the the code in the shown in png below to dynamically loading VIs that have the same connector plane as the type specifier VI refnum in a Run Time Enviroment.


If I run this code without the three Static VI References to the left on outside of the while loop in a development enviroment the code works fine and the proper VIs are loaded into the subpanel (and I assume at that time into memory as well).


However, in a run time environment, this code only works when the three static VI references are somewhere in the code for the three VIs that I call into the subpanel. As part of the installer for the run time enviroment I do load all my source code onto the machine in the same folder as the EXE and the EXE does have the proper path to find those three plugin VIs. Without the static VI references to those plugins the top level EXE does not load the plugins properly. It will try to load them, but come up with an error 1003 (the VI is not executable). It then tries to find a bunch of VIs that are located in the vi.lib directory ro run the plugin VI.


When the static references are present it loads the each VI plugin properly. I thought VI Server didn't need to know about the VI references before hand and would open any VI that is consistent with the type specifier VI refnum as long as the correct path is input into "Open VI Reference". Is this not true for a run  time environment?






Here is a png of the code I am referring too:



VI Server.PNG

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Hello Matt,


It looks like a problem caused by the subVIs not being loaded properly for the VIs that are being called by reference. Please refer to this knowledgebase artilce: . If the steps mentioned here do not work, please post what you observe. 

Vivek Nath
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Machine Vision
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

I think this is exactly what is happening. However, I try to include my source code folder in the "Always Included" section, but it still doesn't work. I think this is because the installer doesn't know to include other VI dependencies such as vi.lib. Am I correct in this thought? If it does need to know vi.lib is a critical dependency, how do I let the installer know that?





0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7
Sorry, I didn't mean installer above, I meant executable build.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Hello Matt,


I would have expected the dependencies to be loaded properly by including all the required files in the 'Always Included' list.  Would you please try creating an installer and include the source files in it? Let me know how this goes. If this does not work, I will look into what else could possibly be causing this behavior. 

Vivek Nath
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
Machine Vision
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

I have a same problem...

Is there any solution for that?



+++ In God we believe, in Trance we Trust +++
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

Have you made sure to include all of the drivers into your build?  Also are you making sure to include the subVIs as described in the KnowledgeBase article above?


Brandon Treece

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 7 of 7