11-17-2019 08:28 AM
I need a VI that can save data from a circuit with a thermocouple K and a AD595 (or) AD594 wich is connected to a bar to a step in open loop.
This VI will read temperature and this temperature will be used to find parameters.
I attach the VI that I have. Please let me know ho to add the temperature blocks needed for this case. If any formula is required.
Necesto un VI que tenga los bloques y/o formulas necesarias para medir la temperatura obtenida utilizando un circuito que posee un termopar k y un AD 595 o AD594. Esta temperatura sera utilizadapara determinar parametros. Y este circuito estara conectado a una barra con un escalón en lazo abierto.
11-17-2019 10:51 AM
this AD595 already amplifies and converts the thermocouple output to a "10mV/°C" signal.
So why do you think you can create a DAQmx task with a "TC K" channel?
Solution: read this simple voltage signal and do some (also simple) math to convert mV to °C!
11-17-2019 02:01 PM
I have a circuit with a thermocouple K and AD595.
How to convert the voltage obtained in DAQ from a AD595 to temperature in LabVIEW?
Which formula and blocks do I need to add?
Suppose that the Simulate signal is DAQ Assistant.
11-17-2019 04:06 PM
Convert Thermocouple K to Temperature using LabVIEW?
11-17-2019 04:38 PM
Not quite sure where your problem is. The device you use outputs a linearizedvoltage of 10mV per deg C. How are you getting this voltage into LabVIEW? Which DAQ board are you going to use? Once that is solved you just need to multiply the read value with 100 to get deg C.
11-17-2019 04:51 PM
So I just need to the block with the value received in DAQ x 100 and after that a symbol of temperature?
11-17-2019 06:01 PM
Yes you can.
What device are you using to measure that thermocouple?
11-17-2019 06:05 PM
Am using a DAQ with a thermocouple K and a AD595.
11-18-2019 06:33 AM
Well, then you read the voltage off the AD595 using the DAQ device. You didn't say which DAQ device you have, so I'll assume it is an NI device. You would use DAQmx functions to read the analog input channel. You can look in the Example Finder to find an simple example of how to do that.
Then you look up the data sheets on the thermocouple and AD595 to determine what are the calibration constants so that you can multiply the voltage reading by them to get the temperature.
11-18-2019 09:34 AM - edited 11-18-2019 09:34 AM
You might also want to learn about Cold Junction Compensation if measurement accuracy is of any concern to you.