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VIPM 2014 & Labview 2010 ubuntu

I installed labview 2010 on ubuntu and I'm trying to get vipm 2014 working. I downloaded the Runtime Engine for Labview 2010, but I still can't get vipm working.

It gives me an error saying: "make sure this library is installed in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH" and that I have to install the runtime engine. The runtime engine I got was in a zip and I only had to copy it to /usr/local/lib.

Can someone please help me fix this problem?


Message 1 of 3

[edited by moderator to modify link from an internal to an external use]

From what you are saying I'm getting that you only copied the zip file to /usr/local/lib, what you would actaually have to do according to instllation instruction is run the following command with root access, to actually install the Runtime Engine 2010 sp1.


rpm -Uvh labview-2010-rte-10.0.1-1.i386.rpm


In case you are having further issues with  the path of the library  the following link might be useful.



In any case, I hope you are able to get the functionallity you need, and I'd like to remind you that Ubuntu is not among the supported linux distributions for National Instruments products, so there's no guarantee the software will work properly. 

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Message 2 of 3

I tried to install it as you told me, but it says that I have missing dependencies in bin/sh/.

I don't know what command to run in the terminal to install these dependencies.

Can you please tell me how to install these dependencies?


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Message 3 of 3