11-22-2021 07:21 PM
VIPM wasn't working with LabVIEW 2021 MacOS, but someone in my company saw that we need to execute:
sudo chmod -R 777 "/Applications/National Instruments/LabVIEW 2021"
After that, most packages where able to be installed via VIPM. However a few packages had issues. For instance, MGI Panel Manager as is shown in this screenshot. Any suggestions?
02-20-2024 03:03 PM
Apart from verifying that the TCP settings were lined up in VIPM and LV,
I added the following to the above and it worked for 2021, 2022, & 2023 on x86_64 and Apple Silicon (M1 Pro):
sudo chgrp staff /Applications/National\ Instruments/LabVIEW\ 2021\ 64-bit
sudo chgrp staff /Applications/National\ Instruments/LabVIEW\ 2021\ 64-bit/{vi.lib,vi.lib/addons,vi.lib/_probes,help,examples,examples/exbins,project,project/errors,resource/Framework/Providers,resource/dialog/QuickDrop/plugins,templates,ProjectTemplates,ProjectTemplates/MetaData,ProjectTemplates/Source}
sudo chgrp staff /Applications/National\ Instruments/LabVIEW\ 2021\ 64-bit/menus/Categories/Computer
sudo chmod g+w /Applications/National\ Instruments/LabVIEW\ 2021\ 64-bit/{vi.lib,vi.lib/addons,vi.lib/_probes,help,examples,examples/exbins,project,project/errors,resource/Framework/Providers,resource/dialog/QuickDrop/plugins,templates,ProjectTemplates,ProjectTemplates/MetaData,ProjectTemplates/Source}
NB: For me,
sudo chgrp staff /Applications/National\ Instruments/LabVIEW\ 2021\ 64-bit/menus
as recommended in the below reference fails, throwing an Error Code 8 which itself suggests the folder path above "...menus/Categories/Computer" as a solution.