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VISA TCP/IP Resource name for a device on the second ethernet card


    Great things have happened this morning that I will attribute mostly to the support that I have received from the support people at National Instruments. Yesterday I told the IT people to look at the firewall settings and settings for the 2nd ethernet card. So between the support from NI, IT group and thermotron, I am able to communicate with the Thermotron 3800. 

   I am using the following resource name for the chamber "TCPIP0::", which is not what I initially thought it was going to be because the chamber is connected to the 2nd ethernet card that I thought would have a TCPIP1::IP::PORT::SOCKET. But is works for me , at least for now. I have also found out from the thermotron that the 3800 IS NOT a VXI-11 compliant device, which is why I had to manually enter the socket info into MAX.  I have attached the test program I wrote to establish that I can communicate with the Thermotron 3800. 

  The next step in this effort is to install a second ethernet card in the PC for the test station and see if I have the same success, I will keep my fingers crossed.  So if someone has questions about getting this to work, please feel free to reply to the thread and I will be gald to answer them. Have a nice day!




0 Kudos
Message 11 of 16



   Well it happened again...magic....the 2nd test station is working with a second ethernet card that communicates with a Thermotron 3800. Here is the process that I went thru to get it done

  1. Install the second ethernet card and configure it with a static IP address of, DNS IP
  2. Configure the firewall settings for the 2nd ethernet card to allow the labview exe
  3. manual create a VIA TCP/IP resource using IP address and port 8888 (the creates the id TCPIP0::

I am able to communicate with the chamber with Internet explorer and my demo Labview code. So at least for now I am a "happy camper" because my test setup is working.



Smiley Wink



Message 12 of 16
I downloaded both your examples and the drivers from Thermotron but both don't work because of broken links. Would you have some VISA commands that I can try sending to test my connection? Thanks.
Message 13 of 16



   Please go to the NI website to download and install the drivers for the thermotron 3800. This should allow you to find the missing links in the examples. If you decide to do that and still have issues, please let me know by posting to this forum.






0 Kudos
Message 14 of 16

Hi Kasper,


I just wanted to mention that the drivers on our Instrument Driver Network do point to the drivers on Thermotron website. Those drivers are not certified or supported by National Instruments.





Simran K
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 16



  Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the equipment to do any further testing to help you out. The project was completed more than 6 months ago and the test system was torn apart. So I am very limited right now to what I can do to help. Please be aware that you can use a web browser to communicate with the thermotron chamber, just dial in the ip address and you can talk to the chamber.






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Message 16 of 16