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Vector XL Driver Library 9.0.34

@TroyK - Thanks for maintaining the "Vector XL Driver - LabVIEW wrappers"!  Vector has updated it's XL Driver Library to v9.0.34 to support CAN FD and Automotive Ethernet on the new VN5610 hardware.

Any chance of updating the wrapper VIs to support the latest version of the dll?

Thank you!

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Message 1 of 14

I will, but I haven't had a chance to work on it just yet.

No projects using it yet.

Troy - CLD "If a hammer is the only tool you have, everything starts to look like a nail." ~ Maslow/Kaplan - Law of the instrument
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Message 2 of 14

Hello to all and many thanks to TroyK for the great work on the Vector XL Wrappers!


I am not a CAN expert, however I have managed to understand the code implemented by TroyK. I am using his VIs to transmit on the CANCaseXL channel 1 and receive on the CANCaseXL channel 2. These channels are connected by a loop cable model Vector CAN Cable 1. I have noticed the following behavior and I have no idea why this is happening.

I am sending data repeateadly and the CAN Receive Example VI seems to get it all. However, I can only perioadically, and without any rule of apparition, see the correct messages. In the attached image, I have sent numerous messages using the Transmit Example VI and only few times was I amble to get them in the Receive VI. I am running this on Windows 7, 64 bit OS. Am I missing something?


Thank you for the great work.

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Message 3 of 14

Hi Raul,

from the image it looks like you have received 707 messages (Count). Is that how many times you transmitted?

The VI doesn't keep adding more entries for each instance of a message received, it replaces lines if the ID is the same. If you don't change the data or ID all you will see is the timestamp change and the count increment in the receive window.

The example VI also doesn't make any attempt to handle error frames. They will probably show as ID 0 with all 00 as data.

Hope this helps.


Troy - CLD "If a hammer is the only tool you have, everything starts to look like a nail." ~ Maslow/Kaplan - Law of the instrument
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Message 4 of 14

Hello TroyK,


Indeed I am sending messages by running the Transmit Example vi. Each run of this VI sends a message. The reason for sending so many messages is that on the CAN Receive Example VI I get a lot of error messages (ID=0, Data =0, DLC=0 etc.). At some point I get the corrrect message. If I change the ID or the data, if I correctly receive the message, I can see this in the table. Basically, the rows fill up with the new IDs. However my concern is the success rate. Maybe I am missing something. In the attached image you notice that I have sent 1734/2 messages (runs of the Transmit Example VI) and the majority of those have been eroneous. Some of them have been correctly received.

I am running LabVIEW on 32 bit, on a 64 Bit OS. I hope it is not an issue with this setup. 🙂

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Message 5 of 14

I don't think there is anything wrong with your PC/LabVIEW setup. LabVIEW 32bit runs fine on a 64bit PC. That's what I use.


I think there may be something wrong with your physical CAN setup to be getting so many error frames.

The CAN lines should be a twisted pair with at least one 120R resistor at one end to provide the correct line impedance. If you don't do this there will be lots of errors. There are also limitations on line length but for 250K it over 100 meters.

Troy - CLD "If a hammer is the only tool you have, everything starts to look like a nail." ~ Maslow/Kaplan - Law of the instrument
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Message 6 of 14

Hello TroyK,


The hardware setup is: CanCaseXL, the loop cable is the Vector CanCable 1 and the device is USB connected. In the Vector XL Driver Library there is an exe app called xlCANcontrol.exe. This app works fine on this setup. Each sent frame is received on the other side. This is what I wanted to do using LabVIEW. It seems to me that there is something wrong with the synchronization of the two VIs. In any case it is still an open point for me :), still a matter of study.

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Message 7 of 14

Hello @TroyK


Im trying to communicate with a Vector CanCase XL but evrytime that i run your example the labiew crash, do you have any idea why?

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Message 8 of 14

Please provide some more information that will allow me to assist:


1. When you say "crash", how does it crash? Do you mean LabVIEW just instantly disappears and when you run the example, then when you start LabVIEW again it says it didn't close properly because of an error?

(The only time that has happened to me in the past was because the dll calls were not defined properly and memory allocations corrupt LabVIEW memory. This library is used extensively and there can't be many of these poorly defined function prototypes left.)

2. Which version of the Vector XL driver do you have installed?

3. What hardware are you using?

4. Which example are you running?

5. Have you ran it with execution highlighting and/or probed error outputs?

6. At what point does it crash?  Do any of the wrapper VIs execute?

7. Do they output an error? What error?


Troy - CLD "If a hammer is the only tool you have, everything starts to look like a nail." ~ Maslow/Kaplan - Law of the instrument
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14

1. When you say "crash", how does it crash? Do you mean LabVIEW just instantly disappears and when you run the example, then when you start LabVIEW again it says it didn't close properly because of an error?  The Labview instantly disappears then show me a error Exception: Access violation (0xC0000005) at EIP=0x00000001418E00F4

(The only time that has happened to me in the past was because the dll calls were not defined properly and memory allocations corrupt LabVIEW memory. This library is used extensively and there can't be many of these poorly defined function prototypes left.)

2. Which version of the Vector XL driver do you have installed?  9.7.26


3. What hardware are you using? CanCaseXL with CANpiggy 251 

4. Which example are you running? Transmit

5. Have you ran it with execution highlighting and/or probed error outputs? Yes and in the XL open driver show me error 1097

6. At what point does it crash?  Do any of the wrapper VIs execute? when finish the run

7. Do they output an error? What error? 1097

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Message 10 of 14