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Vision Acquisition and Triggering Issue - Allied Vision USB 3 Camera

Hello All,


I am having an issue attempting to incorporate a trigger and image logging into a Labview ExpressVI I built and have been modifying. I want the VI to run initially without image logging and then once the user sets the parameters and they can enable the trigger mode on to arm the system. Once the camera receives an external trigger, the camera again starts capturing and now logging the images.


I have tried to incorporate this in the attached VI but whenever I attempt to turn on and demo the trigger function the VI crashes and the following error is populated:


In addition, if I set the trigger mode as a default on state to demo out the trigger function the trigger does not work when applying a voltage across the selected line.I have attached the VI to the post here.


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Message 1 of 4

@RocketMan360 wrote:

I have attached the VI to the post here.

Unfortunately, there were no attachments.  If you do attach VIs (please!), many of us (myself, included) cannot open VIs more recent than 2019 or 2021, so if you are using a more recent version, please "Save for Previous" before attaching.


One question -- can you do a simple "Snap" or "Grab" with this camera using MAX?  Not all cameras (even those that are supposed to adhere to the GenICam standards) work "out of the box" with IMAQdx ...


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 4

Hello Bob,


Thanks for the heads up! I have reloaded the files for LabView version 19. 


In the current configuration I use the start acquisition VI to grab images, would this over ride any trigger setting since it is defaulting to a start acquisition state?

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Message 3 of 4

Thank you for uploading the image.  Unfortunately, to "see it all" requires a display 50% taller my laptop's 1920 x 1080 screen and 650% wider.  In addition, wires are all over the place, rarely running left-to-right in reasonably straight lines, all together too many of them.  You have put far too much effort in building a "pretty" Front Panel (it took me some time to figure out what were LabVIEW "Controls" and "Indicators", as opposed to "decorations".


Please see if you can get rid of the Frame Sequence -- it is almost never needed except when writing FPGA code.  Please make your horizontal wires run straight into and out of While and Case structures.  Where possible, avoid bends in the wires.


Try writing a "little routine" that just gets the camera to take images and show them on a Image Window.  This should certainly fit on a single Laptop screen.  When you have that, add the next "bell" or "whistle" -- don't try to do it all at once.  If it gets too large (bigger than fits on a single laptop screen), ecapsulate the "messy" parts in a sub-VI that uses the 4-2-2-4 connector pane and try to restrict yourself to 1-3 inputs (plus Error In) and 1-3 outputs (plus Error Out).  Use Clusters to group related data.(such as "Trigger Properties".




Bob Schor

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Message 4 of 4