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Waring subVI expected to be at A was loaded from B



A well known drawback of before version LabView is that, it doesn't organize files in terms of project. It has been discussed many where. Here I still want to ask a specific problem arising from it. Provided folder A contains folder B, a VI noted as VI1 is in B, and I creat a new folder C in B, and I move VI1 from B into C. VI1 calls VI2 in B.


After VI1 is moved into new folder, I open it. There are many warnings like below:

subVI expected to be at A\B\C\VI2 was loaded from A\B\VI2.

I can understand it. I guess LabView remembers relative path. VI2 is supposed to be in the same folder as VI1 is.


But I can get other warnings like below:

subVI expected to be at A\B\D\VI3 was loaded from A\B\VI3.

I can't understand it. A\B\D is even not a real existed path. It looks like LabView imagines it. D is a existed folder. But it is not under A. So I don't know why LabView "EXPECT" such a imaginary path?

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Message 1 of 8
This message means the path of the subVI was found at last time the Main VI was saved was found at a different location. If you save the Main VI, you should not get that message anymore.Did you change the file path? What is your lv version?
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Message 2 of 8



I am using LV7.1. As I described, I created new folder and put top VI into new folder. Some warnings are understandable, because it looks like they are expecting the same relative path. But some are weird, because they are expecting paths which don't exist.

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Message 3 of 8

But some are weird, because they are expecting paths which don't exist
Are you getting this even after saving the vis?
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Message 4 of 8
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Message 5 of 8

Like you guessed, LabVIEW stores relative paths. If a VI cannot locate it's sub-vis in the location they expected, it will start to search. The search order is given in the LabVIEW options dialog, but basically first the search is done below any folder of the current VI, then in the LabVIEW data folder, then user.lib and vi.lib.

You can however add your own folders or order to this search.


As you have seen the Expected path can be non-existent, here's an example


VIA cals VIB located in c:\test


VI      Path

VIA    c:\

VIB    c:\test\


Now you decide to move both VIs to the same folder called 'production'


VI      Path

VIA    c:\production\

VIB    c:\production\


If you open VIA it will expect VIB to be at c:\production\test\, but it cannot be located and starts to search, since both VIs are in the same folder this search is done rather quick (and you might not even see the search dialog) and LabVIEW shows the warning dialog.



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Message 6 of 8



I think the problem will disappear if I save it. But I don't want to save it before I am fully aware of the cause of warning, because I had a lesson about it. Believe me, it was a disaster, when I recklessly saved it, under the situation of multi version VI with same....




I think you are right. The real warning is more confusing than your example. In your case, the non-existent path involves the new folder you created. What I meet now is that the non-existent path doesn't involve new folder at all, it comprises existent old folders with disordered structure, like putting a folder under another one which in fact is parallel to it. I would see your conclusion is right conceptually.


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Message 7 of 8
I too have seen warnings where the expected path never exisited, and like the OP I am reluctant to just say "ok" until I have completely deciphered the paths, etc., which can result in a lot of time lost.
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